
「~しないですむように」 “省得 shĕngde”  : ‘so as to save (or avoid)’ “省得 shĕngde”

小雪の中国語学習《会話編》に、 “省得 shĕngde” を追加しました。
NHKラジオ「まいにち中国語」 2010/11月号 応用編<9> 水野衛子 著 ほかよりの学習報告です。


“省得 shĕngde :《接続詞》(好ましくないことを)しないですむように




¶ 你就住在这儿吧,省得每天来回跑。
   nǐ jiù zhù zài zhèr ba. shĕngdei mĕitiān láihuí pǎo.
   ⇒ 就 jiù :(ここでは)(肯定を強めます)ほかでもなく. 絶対に
   ⇒ 来回 láihuí :行ったり来たりする
   ⇒ 来回跑 pǎo :(ここでは)(ある用件で)奔走する. 走り回る



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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





“省得 shĕngde was newly added in Conversation Vol..


省得 [shěngde] shows :

so as to save (or avoid)

¶ 你就住在这儿吧,省得天天来回跑。
  Better stay here to avoid going back and forth every day

¶ 拿着电筒,省得走黑道。
  Take a torch, or you'll be groping your way in the dark.

¶ 你们两个人的参考书可以串换着看,省得都去买了。
  You two can share your reference books so that you don't both have to buy them.

¶ 装修就该一步到位,省得以后麻烦。
  The house should be renovated all at once to save troubles afterwards.

¶ 获得省优称号 rated a top quality product by the province

¶ 能省的就省,当用的还是得用。
  Save what you can, but use what you must.

¶ 英国人把“pudding”的词尾省略,得到“pud”一词。
  The British get "pud" from "pudding" by apocope.

¶ 几杯酒下肚后,她便醉得不省人事了。
  She passed out after a couple of drinks.

(studied and report from n )


 For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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