
「帰って行く」 “回//去 huí // qù” : Compound direction-complement as shown ‘return’ “回//去 huí // qù”

NHK「テレビで中国語」2010年 10月号 荒川清秀先生著よりの学習報告です。



今回は、複合方向補語の “-来”、 “-去” についてです。




回去 : 帰って行く.  自分の居るところから遠ざかる動き。

回来 : 帰って来る.  自分に近づいてくる動き。

上去 : 上がって行く.  自分の居るところから遠ざかる動き。

上来 :上がって来る.  自分に近づいてくる動き。



例えば、 “回中国去。 huí zhōngguó qù.” は 「中国に帰って行く。」

これらを離合詞 離合詞と言います。


発音も口語では “去” が軽声になり、若干注意が必要です。





そのため、離(離れる)合(合わせる)詞 : 「離合詞と呼ばれます。


(e-mail address は各ページ冒頭部分などにあります。)

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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





“回//去 huí // qù” was newly added in Grammar Data Vol..


Compound direction-complement // huí // qù” shows :

return ; go back ; be back

And including other phrase ;

The movement going away from the place where one is here.

[huíqù] : return ; go back ; be back :
  The movement going away from the place where one is here.

回来 [huílái] : come back; be back ; get back ; move back :
  The movement approaching oneself.

上去 [shàngqù] : go up :
  The movement going away from the place where one is here.

上来 [shànglái] : come up :
  The movement coming up the place where one is here.


回去 [huíqù]》

from 汉英综合大词典 回去 [huíqù]

1. return ; go back ; be back

¶ 他明天回杭州去。
  He will return to Hangzhou tomorrow.

¶ 他离开家乡十年,从未回去过。
  He has never been back to his birthplace since he left it ten years ago.

2. (used after a verb) back (there)

¶ 请把这封信给他退回去。
  Please return the letter to him.

¶ 昨天我是走回去的。
  I went back on foot yesterday.


From 现代汉语规范词典 回去 [huíqù]

1. 从某处回到原处

¶ 春节之前回去看望母亲。

2. 用在动词后,表示动作使人或事物从别处到原处离开说话人所在地

¶ 就两站地,咱们走回去吧 把上级的指示带回去。

《例句》 (Other usage is included.)

¶ 把他的遗骸送回去安葬。
  escort his remains back to his home town for burial

¶ 你回去的时候,趁便给我带个口信。
  When you go back, would you take a message for me?

¶ 十二点半以前赶回去还吃得上饭。
  If we get back before twelve thirty, we won't be too late for lunch.

¶ 大不了我们走着回去。
  If the worst comes to the worst, we'll walk back.

¶ 请你带个信儿给我妈,说我今天要晚点儿回去。
  Please tell my mother that I'll be home late tonight.

¶ 他一接到电报,当时就赶回去了。
  He hurried back the moment he received the telegram.

¶ 火车倒回去了。
  The train backed up.

¶ 把抗议顶回去
  reject a protest

¶ 我们顶好现在就动身回去。
  We'd better be starting back now.

¶ 前面走不通了,咱们拐回去吧。
  We can't get through here, let's turn back.


《回来 [huílái]

from汉英综合大词典 回来 [huílái]

1. return ; come back ; be back ; get back ; move back

¶ 他马上就回来。
  He'll be back in a minute.

2. (used after a verb) back (here)

¶ 跑回来
  run back

¶ 把借出去的书要回来。
  Recall the books on loan.

¶ 可把你盼回来了。
  Thank heavens, you're finally back.


From现代汉语规范词典 回来 [huílái]

1. 从某处回到原处(说话人现在在原处)

¶ 你务必回来一趟。

2. 用在动词后,表示动作使人事物从别处到原处或说话人所在地

¶ 买回来一包糖果 鸽子飞回来了。



¶ 我算计他昨天回不来,果然没回来。
  I thought he wouldn't come back yesterday, and he didn't.

¶ 她从山里回来时,带回了一栲栳野蘑菇。
  She returned from the hills with a basket of wild mushrooms.

¶ 老爷从官府回来后直接回了宅邸。
  The master went to his mansion directly after returning from the local authority.

¶ 他的建议被驳回来了。
  His proposal was rejected.

¶ 他刚出门,一会儿就回来。
  He's just gone out, he'll be back soon.

¶ 村里传说他叔要从国外回来了。
  The villagers are all saying that his uncle is soon coming home from abroad.

¶ 把耽误的时间夺回来
  make up for lost time

¶ 打电报让他回来
  wire him to come back

¶ 等到天黑,他方才回来。
  He didn't come back until after dark.

¶ 他的钱全放出去了,一时收不回来。
  All his money has been loaned out. He can't get it back for the moment.


上去 [shàngqù]

from柯林斯汉英词典 上去 [shàngqù]

1. 动词 [指由低到高] go up

2. 动词 [提高] improve

from汉英综合大词典 上去 [shàngqù]

1. go up

¶ 登着梯子上去
  go up (on) a ladder

¶ 车来了,咱们上去吧。
  Here comes the bus. Let's get on.

2. rise to a place or state regarded as higher or above

¶ 我们提的这些意见上得去吗?
  Could the suggestions we raised reach the higher authorities?

3. up (there)

¶ 计划已经交上去了。
  The plan has been sent up to the higher-ups.

¶ 把国民经济搞上去
  push the national economy forward

4. indicating adding or fixing

¶ 又铺了一床褥子上去
  add another mattress to the bed

¶ 螺丝拧上去了。
  The screws have been driven in.


from现代汉语规范词典 上去 [shàngqù]

1. 由低处到高处去由一处到另一处去

¶ 从楼梯上去 你上去和他握手吧!

2. 从较低的部门到较高的部门去

¶ 现任农业厅长是从我们县里上去的。

3. 口语中""有时读轻声

4. 用在动词后,表示动作从低处到高处

¶ 把行李搬上去。

5. 用在动词后,表示事物由较低的层次或部门到较高的层次或部门

¶ 把汽车工业搞上去 省里决定把你调上去。

6. 用在动词后,表示事物随动作趋向某一目标

¶ 冲上去一连人 赶紧迎了上去。

7. 用在动词后,表示添加或合拢于某处

¶ 螺丝拧上去了 把这笔钱也算上去吧。

8. "上去"用在动词后作补语时,一般读轻声,但在"动+不+上去" "没+动+上去"的格式中,仍读本调



¶ 让青年人到社会上去闯练闯练。
  Let young people temper themselves in society.

¶ 猫蹿到树上去了。
  The cat leapt up into the tree.

¶ 把和好的水泥吊上去。
  Hoist up the mixed cement.

¶ 把群众的呼声及时地反映上去
  transmit the voices of the people to the leading bodies without delay

¶ 你扶着点梯子,我上去。
  Hold the ladder while I climb up.

¶ 把羊赶到山上去放。
  Herd the sheep up the hill to graze.

¶ 赶将上去
  hurry to catch up

¶ 一排冲上去了,二排随后接应。
  Platoon One charged and was soon followed by Platoon Two.

¶ 这么陡的峭壁,谁知他竟爬上去了。
  Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff?

¶ 山崖陡峭,要手足并用,才爬得上去。
  The cliff is very steep. You'll have to clamber with both hands and feet to get to its top.


《上来 [shànglái]

from 柯林斯汉英词典上来 [shànglái]

1. 动词 [指动作趋向]

¶ 饭菜端上来了。
  The meal was brought to the table.

¶ 他从坑里爬上来了。
  He climbed out of the pit.

2. 动词 [表示成功]

¶ 这个问题我答不上来。
  I can't answer this question.

3. 动词 [指等级提升] promote

¶ 这名干部是从基层提拔上来的。
  This official was promoted from the grass roots.


from 汉英综合大词典 上来 [shànglái]

1. begin ; get started

¶ 一上来就没劲
  be boring right from the start

2. to sum up (the aforesaid)

¶ 上来所言
  to sum up the aforesaid

3. come up

¶ 游了半天了,快上来歇会儿吧。
  You've been swimming a long time now. Come out and have a rest.

4. come up to a place or state regarded as higher or above

¶ 他是刚从基层上来的。
  He's just come from a grass-roots unit.

5. up (here)

¶ 把箱子抬上来
  bring the trunk up

6. indicating success in doing something

¶ 这个问题你答得上来吗?
  Can you answer this question?

¶ 看他面熟,名字可叫不上来。
  I know his face but I can't recall his name.

7. indicating an increase in degree

¶ 暖气片慢慢热上来了。
  Little by little the radiators got warmer.

¶ 天色黑上来了。
  It is getting dark.


from现代汉语规范词典 上来 [shànglái]

1. 由低处到高处来

¶ 他在楼下,没上来 月亮上来了。

2. 从较低的部门到较高的部门来

¶ 他是刚从基层上来的干部。

3. 开头

¶ 上来就是一通批评。

4. ①②义的 "来" 口语中有时读轻声

5. 用在动词后,表示动作由低处到高处或由远处到近处

¶ 钓上来一条鱼 从沟里拉上来。

6. 用在动词后,表示人或事物由较低部门到较高部门

¶ 把他从基层提拔上来 下面的汇报交上来了吗?

7. 用在动词后,表示成功地完成某一动作

¶ 这个问题我答不上来。

8. 用在形容词后,表示程度增加、状态发展

¶ 天气热上来了。

9. "上来" 用在动词后作补语时,一般读轻声,但在 "动+不+上来" "没+动+上来" 的格式中,仍读本调



¶ 那个问题可难了,我差点儿没答上来。
  The question was so difficult I almost failed to answer it.

¶ 这个问题他答不上来。
  He couldn't answer the question.

¶ 对答不上来
  can't answer the question

¶ 今天晚上来和我们玩桥牌,好吗? —好极啦,我一定奉陪到底。
  Will you come and join us at a bridge party this evening? —Yes, I'll be glad to, and I'll stay at the party until the very end.

¶ 潜水员浮上来了。
  The diver has emerged.

¶ 落在后面的人赶上来了。
  Those who lagged behind have caught up.

¶ 火苗蹿上来了。
  The flames leapt up.

¶ 他主张马上来个彻底改变,我觉得这意见太激进了。
  He advocates making immediate drastic changes, but I think this idea is too radical.

¶ 街上来往的人很多。
  There are many people coming and going on the streets.

¶ 提到日程上来
  place (or put) sth. on the order of the day

(studied and report from “n词酷” )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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