
小雪の中国語学習《会話編》に、 “从小 cóngxiǎo” を追加。: “从小 cóngxiǎo” was newly added in Conversation Vol..

NHK「テレビで中国語」  2010/9月号 荒川清秀 博士 著よりの学習報告です。


小さいときから」 というとき、

“从小时候” と言わず、単に 从小 cóngxiǎo とよく言います。


彼女は小さいころから音楽が好きだ。」 は

¶ 从小就爱好音乐。 tā cóngxiǎo jiù àihǎo yīnyuè.


松岡榮志著 中国語作文1025題 (松岡メソッド・シリーズ) #262 より)



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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





从小 cóngxiǎo was newly added in Conversation Vol..


从小 cóngxiǎoshows (at here) :
from childhood

¶ 他从小在孤儿院长大,从来不知亲生父母是谁。
He grew up in an orphanage and has no idea who his parents are.

¶ 小李从小就希望成为一名成功的小说家。
Xiao Li has always dreamed of being a successful novelist since he was young.

¶ 她从小就跟她爸爸学唱戏。
She began to learn opera singing and acting from her father when she was a mere child.

¶ 从小寄居在舅父家里。

live from childhood with one's uncle

¶ 他从小就和音乐结了缘。
He developed a liking for music even as a boy.

¶ 她天生一副金嗓子,从小就喜欢唱歌。
Born with a sweet voice, she has liked singing from childhood.

¶ 从小培养好习惯。
develop good habits from childhood days

¶ 他从小就热爱科学。
He has loved science since childhood.

¶ 她从小就喜好音乐。
She's been a music lover since childhood.

¶ 他从小没上过学,到现在瞎字儿不识。
He's never had any schooling, and even now can't read a single word.

(studied and report from n词酷 )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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