
比較表現「いちばん~」 “最~” : ‘the BEST~ “最 zuì~”’

NHK「テレビで中国語」 2010年 11月号 荒川清秀先生著よりの学習報告です。





いちばん~ : “最~


¶ 卖得好的是那种商品? 
  màide zuì hǎo de shì nèi zhŏng shāngpǐn?


《ポイント》 いちばん~だ = 最~

いちばん~だ」 と言いたいときは、“
zuì” を使います。

zuì” は形容詞、 一部の動詞、 方位詞を修飾します。


◎ “最”  + 動詞

“最 zuì  は、形容詞の前だけではなく


¶ 小王喜欢踢足球。 xiǎo wáng zuì xǐhuān tī zúqiú.


¶ 了解我。 nǐ zuì liǎojiĕ wŏ.

◎ “最” +方位を表すことば

“最 zuì は、方位を表すことばの前にも来ます。


¶ 张老师的办工室在里边儿。 
  zhāng lǎoshī de bàngōngshì zài zuì lǐbianr.





(e-mail address は各ページ冒頭部分などにあります。)
 ギフト券   元気   見栄え   やすらぎ   おもちゃ   本のベストセラー

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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





“最 zuì~” was newly added in Grammar Data Vol..


最 (冣) [zuì] shows as next each item :

(from 柯林斯汉英词典)

1. 副词  most

¶ 难忘的海外之旅
  the most unforgettable trip abroad

¶ 这家饭店服务好。
  The service at this restaurant is the best.

¶ 3人中他薪水高。
  He's got the highest salary of the three.


(from 汉英综合大词典 )

1. 副词 (used before an adjective or a verb)  most ;  -est ;  best

¶ 喜欢吃巧克力冰淇淋。
  I like chocolate ice cream best.

¶ 不讲道理。
  He's most unreasonable.

¶ 基本的条件
  fundamental prerequisites

2. 副词 (used before a noun of locality or a place word)  farthest to or nearest (a place)

¶ 东头
  farthest to the east; at the very east end

¶ 上头
  farthest to (or nearest) the top; at the very top


(studied and report from 现代汉语规范词典)

1. 副  表示程度达到极点,超过一切同类的人或事物

¶ 珠穆朗玛峰是世界上高的山峰。

¶ 只有妈妈心疼我。

¶ 走在队伍的前方。

2. 名  指居于首位的人或事物

¶ 京味儿小说家当推老舍先生为

¶ 世界之



¶  大(小)限度
  the maximum (minimum) limit

¶ 高(低)限度
  the highest (lowest) limit

¶ 红柳是高原上普通,常见的一种植物。
  The Chionese tamarisk is the most common and familiar plant on high plateaus.

¶ 人是活物中具灵性的,也是聪明的。
  Man is the most intelligent and cleverest among all living things.

¶ 老堪布是这个寺院里年长受尊敬的人物。
  The old abbot is the most respected person in the temple.

¶ 这家粮行的粮食品种全,价格也公道。
  The grain corporation has the most types of grain, and its price is also the most reasonable.

¶ 外引是公司改革的一条方便有效的途径。
  Introducing capital, equipment, talents, etc. from abroad is the most convenient and effective way to carry out reform in a company.

¶ 新落成的航空港有着先进的设施和最完备的服务。
  The newly-built airport has the most advanced facilities, and provides perfect service.

¶ 从最北一直到南,这股寒流袭击了整个国家。
  The cold current hit the country from the north all the way to the south.

¶ 你手上的伤口比较深,好揞上一点儿消炎粉。
  The cut in your hand is rather deep. You'd better apply some powder to it.

(studied and report from “n词酷” )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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