
「~だけれども・・・だ」は “虽然 suīrán” : ‘although’ is said “虽然 suīrán”

NHK「テレビで中国語」 2010年 10月号 荒川清秀先生著よりの学習報告です。



虽然 ~ 但是 ・・・ suīrán ~ dànshì ・・・ : ~だけれども・・・だ




¶ 款式虽然恨简单但是恨时尚。
  kuǎnshì suīrán hèn jiǎndān, dànshì hèn shíshàng.
  ⇒ 款式 kuǎnshì :(ここでは)デザイン. 様式.
  ⇒ 时尚 shíshàng :時代の流行・気風.

¶ 虽然时间恨短但是我恨开心。
  suīrán shíjiān hèn duǎn, dànshì wŏ hèn kāixīn.
  ⇒ 开心 kāixīn :(ここでは)愉快である. 楽しい.

¶ 那天虽然下雨,但是来得人很多。
  nàtiān suīrán xià yŭ, dànshì lái de rén hĕn duō.



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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





虽然 suīrán” was newly added in Grammar Data Vol..


虽然 suīrán ”  shows :

1. 连词 although


虽然 [suīrán]
1. (often used correlatively with 但是, 可是, etc.) though ; although

¶ 他虽然在北京住了十来年了,可是家乡口音一点没改。
Though he has lived in Beijing for ten years or so, he still speaks with a heavy accent.


虽然 [suīrán]

1. 连 连接分句,表示让步关系,即承认甲是事实,乙却并不因此而不成立。

用于前一分句(可在主语的前后),后分句常用 "但是" "可是" "" "" 等呼应


¶ 虽然你比我高,但是力气没我大

¶ 你虽然很有钱,却买不了我一颗心。

¶ 他在我心里是伟大的,虽然他的名字并不为许多人所知道。



¶ 这些估计虽然不是绝对保险,但也八九不离十。
  These calculations, though not always one hundred percent accurate, were never far out.

¶ 这部书虽然有缺页,但毕竟是珍本。
  This book is a rare edition, though there are several pages missing.

¶ 我们下午虽然只干了两个钟头,可是很出活。
  We worked only two hours in the afternoon, but we accomplished a lot.

¶ 虽然很能干,但是这个问题太难,他也不好解决。
  He's an able man, but the problem is too hard for him.

¶ 画幅虽然不大,所表现的天地却十分广阔。
  The picture is small but it shows broad vistas.

¶ 主队虽然技术不错,也架不住客队合作得好。
  The home team displayed great skill but were no match for the visitors in teamwork.

¶ 队长虽然年轻,但很精干。
  Young as he is, the team leader is very capable.

¶ 虽然没有人教他,他摸索了一段时间,竟自学会了。
  Though nobody taught him, he learnt it all by himself through trial and error.

¶ 他们人多,虽然在沙漠中行进,也不感到枯寂。
  They travelled in a large group, so they didn't feel bored or lonely while passing through the desert.

¶ 虽然上了年纪,手脚倒还灵便。
Though getting on in years, he is still nimble.

(studied and report from “n词酷” )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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