中国語の初心者小雪がどんな過程を経て学習を進めていくか報告していきます。果てしない旅が延々と続きます。みなさんのご指導をお待ちしています。 A beginner Koyuki will report the process studying Chinese.Boundless travel continues forever. I'm waiting for your guidance.
「・・・したからには」 《接続詞》“既 jì” :as shown ‘since ; as ; now that’ Conjunction “既 jì”
小学館 中日辞典 に
“走人 zŏurén”
「走る人」? (いやいや、) 「去る人」?
走人 zŏurén :<方>立ち去る. 行ってしまう.
¶ 他既不愿干,就叫他走人。
tā jì bú yuàn gàn, jiù jiào tā zŏurén
⇒ 愿 :望む. 願う.
⇒ 既 jì :《接続詞》・・・したからには. ・・・する以上. ・・・した以上.
⇒ 叫 jiào :・・・させる. ・・・するように命じる.
➠ 必ず兼語文で使います。
そしてこの例文中の “既 jì”。
《接続詞》の “既 jì” 、小雪は知りませんでした。
(e-mail address は各ページ冒頭部分などにあります。)
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“既 jì” was newly added in Conversation Vol..
“既 jì” shows as Conjunction :
since ; as ; now that
from 柯林斯汉英词典
1.连词 [表示兼而有之]
¶ 他字写得既快又好。
He writes both quickly and well.
¶ 他既高又壮。
He 's tall and strong.
2.连词 [既然] since
¶ 既来之,则安之。
Since we've come, let's make the best of it.
From 汉英综合大词典
连词 since ; as ; now that
¶ 他既如此坚决,我也不便多说。
Since he is so determined, I consider it wise not to say any more.
连词 (used correlatively with 且, 又, 也, etc.) both...and ; as well as
¶ 这间屋子既宽敞,又亮堂。
The room is both light and spacious.
¶ 既不实用,又不美观
neither useful nor attractive
From 现代汉语规范词典
1.连 跟 "又" "且" "也" 配合,连接并列的动词、形容词或分句,
¶ 既能文,又能武 既深且广 既要实干,也要巧干。
2.连 用于复句的前一分句,
¶ 既要说,就要说清楚 既是写给大家读的,那么深入浅出就十分必要了。
例句 (Adverb usage is included.)
¶ 对于年轻有为的作家,既不要“棒杀”,也不要“捧杀”。
It is essential to prevent the suppression of promising young writers by harsh criticism, as well as their corruption by flattery.
¶ 随地吐痰既不雅观也不卫生。
Spitting in public places is not only unbecoming but also unsanitary.
¶ 既然这事合乎常情,我不反对。
Since this is a sensible thing to do, I have no objections.
¶ 你既然答应了,就别打退堂鼓。
You've given your word; don't try to back out.
¶ 在大江大海中游泳,既可以锻炼身体,又可以锻炼意志。
Swimming in big rivers and seas helps to build up both physical strength and willpower.
¶ 手工操作既费时又费力。
It takes both time and effort to do it by hand.
¶ 既省料又省工
save both material and labour
¶ 既得权利
vested right
(studied and report from “n词酷” )
For more description, is here.
It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.
There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)
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