
「持続」を表す“着 zhe” : “着 zhe” shoes ‘indicating a continued action or state’

 今日はNHK「テレビで中国語」 2010/11月号 荒川清秀生著よりの学習報告です。


今日は、動作の持続を表す “ zhe の学習報告です。


並行動作」を表すには zheを使います。

状態などの「持続」を表わす “着 zhe は助詞で、



《動作の持続を表す“ zhe”》 :

動詞 + “ zhe



¶ 木头上粘着一些什么东西。
 mùtou shàng zhānzhe yìxiē shénme dōngxi.

 ~に・・・がある / いる :

   場所 + <動詞 + “”> + 存在物

¶ 桌子上放着很多东西。
  zhuōzi shàng fàngzhe hĕn duō dōngxi.
⇒ 放着 fàngzhe :“放”「置く」. “着”「置いた結果の持続」を表しています。



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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





“着 zhe was newly added in Grammar Vol..


”着 zhe” shows

1. added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state, often with the particle at the end of the sentence

2. in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state, the verb plus 着 having the force of "there is"

3. [直译: verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state]

ⓐ (verb plus 着 serving as an adverbial modifier)

4. in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis, often with 点儿 added

(studied and report from n词酷 )


from 汉英综合大词典 着 [zhe]

1. 助词 added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state, often with the particle 呢 at the end of the sentence
¶ 大门敞着。
  The gate is wide open.

¶ 他穿着一身新衣服。
  He is wearing new clothes.

¶ 雪正下着呢。
  It's snowing.

2. 助词 in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state, the verb plus

having the force of "there is"

¶ 桌儿上放着好些东西。
  There are a lot of things lying on the table.

¶ 墙上挂着一幅山水画。
  On the wall hangs a landscape painting.

3. 助词 [直译: verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state]

ⓐ (verb plus 着 serving as an adverbial modifier)

¶ 他爱吃着饭看报。
  He likes to read the newspaper while eating.

¶ 路不远,咱们走着去吧。
  It's quite near, let's go there on foot.

4. 助词 [直译: verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state]

ⓑ (verb plus 着 repeated, indicating that while one action is in progress the occurrence of another is expected)

¶ 她想着想着笑了起来。
  She thought and thought and then burst out laughing.

¶ 我们走着走着天色已经暗了下来。
  As we walked along, it began to grow dark.

5. 助词 in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis, often with 点儿 added

¶ 等着!

¶ 慢着!
  Hold it!

¶ 过马路看着点儿。
  Mind how you cross the street.


from 现代汉语规范词典    [zhe]

1. 用在动词后,表示动作正在进行,动词前可加"""""正在"

¶ 我听着呢。

¶ 外面正下着雨。

2. 用于某些动词、形容词之后,表示某种状态的持续

¶ 门开着呢。  

¶ 饭还热着呢。

3. 用在两个动词中间构成连动式,表示两个动作同时接着进行,或者二者之间有方式手段目的的关系

¶ 站着说。

¶ 面包留着晚上吃。

4. 附在介词、代词之后,修饰后面的动词

¶ 冲着我喊。   

¶ 这么着干根本不行。

5. 用在某些动词或形容词之后,表示命令提醒的语气

¶ 你听着!。  

¶ 快着点儿。


《例句》  (Other usage is included.)

¶ 在这儿呆着吧,你碍不着我。
  Stay where you are. You're not in my way.

¶ 你本来用不着着急。
  You needn't have worried about it.

¶ 叉着腿站着
  stand with one's legs apart

¶ 十几个年轻人围着他,抢着跟他搭话。
  About a dozen boys and girls crowded round him, all trying to enter into a conversation with him.

¶ 他得踮着脚才够得着架子。
  He had to stand on tiptoe to reach the shelf.

¶ 十几个年轻人围着他,抢着跟他搭话。
  About a dozen boys and girls crowded round him, all trying to enter into a conversation with him.

¶ 弓着腿坐着
  sitting with arched legs

¶ 水牛拉着犁,在稻田里咕唧咕唧地走着。
  The water buffalo squelched up and down the paddy fields, pulling the plough.

¶ 拉纤的船夫在河岸上一步步挣扎着前进,一面有节奏地齐声哼着“杭育!杭育!”
  As they inched forward, step by step, on the banks of the river, the boat-pullers kept up a constant rhythmical "Heave ho! Heave ho!"

¶ 大家围着火堆,烘烤着冻得发僵的手。
  Everybody sat round the fire, warming their frozen hands.

¶ 小姑娘忽闪着大眼睛看着妈妈。
  The little girl stared at her mother, her big eyes flashing.

 (studied and report from n词酷 )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

There maybe mistakes in my expression, but please permit me. And in such case please send an e-mail. (The address is shown the beginning of each page.)


  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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