
「風邪を引く」は “着凉 zháoliáng”とも : ‘catch [get] cold’ is also said “着凉 zháoliáng”

「電子辞書 電子辞書 キヤノン WORDTANK V903 」をサーフィンしていて知りました。


風邪を引く」は “感冒 gǎnmào ですね。


この 着凉 zháoliáng です。


“着凉 zháoliáng” : 冷気にあたる. 風邪を引く

zháo” : 付着する

liáng” : 薄ら寒い. 涼しい. 温度が低い


電子辞書」 は楽しいですね。


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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ





着凉 zháoliáng” was newly added in Word Vol..


着凉 zháoliáng”  shows :

1. catch cold ; catch a chill

¶ 外面有点冷,当心着凉。
  It's chilly outside; be careful not to catch cold.

2. chill

¶ 别站在风口上,小心着凉。
Don't stand in the draught. You may catch cold.

¶ 他正乘着凉,只见一个人探头探脑在那里张望。
He was enjoying the cool breeze, when all at once he saw a man stealthily spying.

¶ 着凉
  catch cold ;
catch a chill

¶ 最近的天气变幻莫测,一定不要着凉了。
Due to the recent unpredictable weather, one can easily catch a cold.

¶ 杯子里晾着凉白开,渴了就去喝。
In the cup there is cool water. If you are thirsty, you can go and drink it.

¶ 奶奶怕宝贝孙子着凉,亲自给他缝了个厚实的屁帘儿。
The grandmother feared that her grandson would catch a cold, so she made a piece of thick cloth to tie to his waist with slit pants to cover his bottom.

¶ 他在外边站了那么久,肯定会着凉受病的。
He has been standing for so long outside, he must have caught a cold.

¶ 我生怕着凉,多盖了条毯子。
So as not to get cold, I put on another blanket.

¶ 小心着凉。
Be careful not to get cold.

(studied and report from “n词酷” )


For more description, is here.

It's because I'd like to make Chinese learner increase even a little in all over the world as an trigger, that I translate this blog into English.

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  にほんブログ村 外国語ブログ 中国語へ

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